There is a saying: you cannot buy good taste.
Well, let us tell you: you can buy good taste.
However unlike taste, perfection is nothing that relies
on individual perception.
Welcome to a team that values perfection high and
contributes to its own passion for creativity and design.
FiVE STORiES is a consultancy firm with a focus on
high-end living spaces. We connect our clients needs with
customers expectations, and help to create special,
outstanding and sustainable impact.
Barbara Hammerschmid-Kovar
(c) 2014 FiVE STORiES / All rights reserved / Legal / Impressum
B a r b a r a H a m m e r s c h m i d – K o v a r MBA
Born in Vienna, and trained in tourism there, my career path took
me to Paris and London, where I began my profession as a
manager in the tourism industry. I then embarked on a 15-year
career as a general manager of a number of first-rate hotels.
Through 5-Stories I am prepared to support the general public in
their needs to plan and enhance their living quarters, as well as
hotel managers and developers in the planning, refurbishing or
rebuilding of their hotel.
I stand ready as a consultant to support hotel reorganization and quality management. I am prepared to guide my clients according to their wishes from the beginning – the initial discussions with architects about the proposed plan, the selection of contractors, the selection of interior decorators, and ongoing troubleshooting on an as-needed basis – until the project is completely finished, and the keys are turned over to the proprietor. All this will involve my presence at the construction site.
No detail is too small, and no work is too much, when I am genuinely involved in a project. I stay in constant communication with my clients and contractors, so as to meet any challenges as they may materialize. My goal is to ensure that my clients are perfectly satisfied with the end result. Their bewonderment with the project is my professional objective!